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by 황금폴샘 2020. 1. 4.




분사구문 정리.pdf


분사 ≠ 분사구문

분사는 형용사 역할

분사구문은 부사 역할


분사구문의 정의 : 부사절분사의 형태를 이용하여 부사절을 부사구로 줄인 표현


이렇게 말하면 잘 모르시겠죠. 우리말에도 분사구문의 형태가 많아요

예를 들어 설명하겠습니다.

왜냐하면 그녀는 너무 예쁘기 때문에 나는 그녀를 좋아한다.

  이유부사절의 형태

누가 이렇게 말할 수도 있지만 

너무 예뻐서 나는 그녀를 좋아한다.   이렇게 줄여서 말하죠 

 분사구문의 형태


When he saw me, he ran away.  그가 나를 봤을때  그는 도망갔다.

  x     x   seeing me, he ran away. 

             날 보더니 그는 도망갔다. 


첫째 부사절의 접속사 when 을 생략한다

둘째 부사절의 주어 he 와 주절의 주어 he가 같으면 생략한다. (만약 다르면 써준다)

셋째 부사절의 동사에 (~ing) 넣는다, (단 being은 생략한다)


Because I was injured by a car, I was sad.

    x    x  (being) injured by a car, I was sad.

첫째 부사절의 접속사 because를 생략한다.

둘째 부사절의 주어 I 와 주절의 주어 I 가 같으므로 생략한다.

셋째 부사절의 동사 was 에 ~ing 를 넣는다 being 은 생략한다.


시험문제는 이런식으로 나옵니다.

Seen / seeing me, he ran away.

Injuring / Injured by a car, I was sad.

He cleaned his room listened / listening to music.

She ate some cookies, took / taking a walk. 


분사구문의 해석은 대략 6가지 정도입니다. 부사절을 부사구로 줄인 표현이므로

1)시간(~할 때, ~한후에 등)  2)조건(~라면)  3)이유(~ 때문에)   4)양보(비록~이지만)  

5)연속동작(그리고 나서 ~한다)   6)동시동작(~하면서)


다음 문장을 분사구문으로 바꿔 쓰시오

시간 : When I walked along the street, I met my uncle.


이유 : Because he had much to do, he felt depressed.


      As it’s written in Korean, this book is easy to read.


조건 : If you meet her, you will like her.


양보 : Though she is young, she supports her family.


동시동작 : While he was listening to music, he cleaned his room.



분사의 특별용법

1) 독립분사구문 : 주절과 부사절의 주어가 다른 경우 : 주어를 그대로 사용한다.

As it was fine, we went to the park.

It being fine, we went to the park.  (주어가 다를 경우 being 생략하지 않는다.)

It was fine, we went to the park. (x)

Being fine, we went to the park. (x)


2) 완료분사구문 : 한시제 더 과거인 경우 (having p.p)

After she had finished her college, she got married.

        Having finished her college, she got married.


3) 부정 분사구문

As she didn’t know the answer, she couldn’t fill out the blanks.

Not knowing the answer, she couldn’t fill out the blanks.


4) with 명사 (현재분사, 과거분사, 부사구, 형용사구) :동시동작일 때, 생생한 표현을 위해 사용

She sat on the sofa, and her eye were closed.

= She sat on the sofa  with her eye closed.

He stood there with his arms [fold / folded / folding]

She spoke with tears [fallen / fall / falling] down her cheeks.






Climbing to the top of the mountain, you can see the port. (조건)



Taking a walk, she ate some cookies. (시간)



As he ate too much, he had a stomachache.



Studying hard, I failed the exam.



If it is cloudy tomorrow, we will stay home all day long.



If you are interested in this book, you can read it.



As she didn’t know how to make kimchi, she looked for a Korean  cooking recipe.



As they come to my party, I am so happy.



Although he is young, he acts like an adult.



When he was listening to music, he saw some wild animals.



Seeing the accident, she began to cry.






다음 문장을 분사구문으로 바꿔 쓰시오

시간 : When I walked along the street, I met my uncle.

       Walking along the street, ~~

이유 : Because he had much to do, he felt depressed.

      Having much to do, ~

      As it’s written in Korean, this book is easy to read.

      Written in Korean, ~

조건 : If you meet her, you will like her.

      Meeting her, ~

양보 : Though she is young, she supports her family.

       Young, she supports her family.

동시동작 : While he was listening to music, he cleaned his room.






Climbing to the top of the mountain, you can see the port. (조건)

If you climb to the top of the mountain, ~


Taking a walk, she ate some cookies. (시간)

When she took a walk, ~


As he ate too much, he had a stomachache.

Eating too much, ~


Studying hard, I failed the exam.

Although I studied hard, ~


If it is cloudy tomorrow, we will stay home all day long.

It being cloudy tomorrow, ~


If you are interested in this book, you can read it.

Interested in this book, ~


As she didn’t know how to make kimchi, she looked for a Korean  cooking recipe.

Not knowing how to make kimchi, ~


As they come to my party, I am so happy.

They coming to my party, ~


Although he is young, he acts like an adult.

Young, ~


When he was listening to music, he saw some wild animals.

Listening to music, ~


Seeing the accident, she began to cry.

When she saw the accident, ~







용인시 수지구 동천동 영어전문학원

상담문의 031-265-3257

