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형용사절(관계사절) 5개

by 황금폴샘 2019. 12. 22.

형용사절(관계사절) 5개 


1) N + 주격관계대명사(who, which, that) - 불완전한 문장


2) N + 목적격관계대명사(who, whom, which, that, 생략) 불완전한 문장


3) N + 소유격관계대명사(whose, of which) 완전한 문장


4) N + 전치사+관계대명사(in which, on which, at which, to which.......)완전한 문장


5) N + 관계부사 (when, where, why, how, that, 생략) 완전한 문장



먼저 확인할 사항


첫째, 형용사는 명사를 수식한다(뒤에서) ㄴ, ㄹ, 의 로 해석

둘째, 절은 동사가 있는 의미덩어리


즉, 형용사절은 동사가 있는 의미덩어리가 명사를 뒤에서 수식하는 것




관계(접속사) + 대명사 의 역할


1) I have many friends.  2) They study English in the library.


1)+2)  I have many friends and they study English in the library.



1)+2) I have many friends who study English in the library. 


                 N(많은 친구들)  (도서관에서 영어를 공부하)



※ 관계대명사 표

명사(선행사) 주격관계대명사 소유격관계대명사 목적격관계대명사 문장속 역할
사람 who, that whose

who, whom, that, 생략

사물 which, that whose, of which which, that, 생략 형용사절


관계부사 표

명사(선행사) 관계부사 전치사+관계대명사 문장속 역할
시간 when in,on,at + which 형용사절
장소 where in,on,at + which 형용사절
이유 why for which 형용사절
방법 how in which 형용사절



1) N + 주격관계대명사(who, which, that) - 불완전한 문장


I have brothers. + They like ice cream.


I have brothers who like ice cream.

               N    (주관대: 아이스크림을 좋아하)   

       주격관계대명사는 뒤에 주어가 없는 불완전한 문장



The building is beautiful. + It was built by my friends.


The building  which  was built by my friends [are / is] beautiful.





2) N + 목적격관계대명사(who, whom, which, that, 생략) 불완전한 문장


Can you pass me the newspaper? + You’ve just read it.

Can you pass me the newspaper which you’ve just read



These people are her sons. + She is talking to them.

The people who(m) she is talking to [is / are] her sons.

= The people to whom she is talk are her sons.


The sweaters were sold out. + You are looking for them.

The sweaters which you are looking for were sold out.

= The sweaters you are looking for were sold out.  (목적격 관계대명사 생략 가능)





3) N + 소유격관계대명사(whose, of which) 완전한 문장

   소유격 관계대명사뒤가 왜 완전문장이 오는 이유


    His teacher is handsome. 

               s    v      c

소유격(my를 없애도 완전한 문장이죠?)


 I know a man.   His teacher is handsome. 

 I know a man whose teacher is handsome.





4) N + 전치사+관계대명사(in which, on which, at which, to which.......)완전한 문장


   전관대 뒷문장이 완전한 이유 

  I know a man.  My friend is studying English (with him.) 

                                s            v           o     부사구

  I know a man whom my friend is studying English with    - 불완전한 문장

 = I know a man with whom my friend is studying English.  - 완전한 문장

          with him =  없어도 되는 부사구였으므로 완전한 문장


She is a girl. + Everybody wants to talk with the girl.

= She is a girl who everybody wants to talk with.

= She is a girl with whom everybody wants to talk.


A library is a place. You can find a lot of books in it.

=A library is a place which you can find a lot of books in.

=A library is a place in which you can find a lot of books.

=A library is a place you can find a lot of books.  (생략가능)





5) N + 관계부사 (when, where, why, how, that, 생략) 완전한 문장


   관계부사 뒤문장이 완전한 문장이 오는 이유


No one knows the time. + She will arrive at that time.


= No one knows the time when she will arrive.  (완전한 문장)


= No one knows the time which she will arrive at.

= No one knows the time at which she will arrive.

= No one knows the time when she will arrive at. (x)

= No one knows the time which she will arrive.(x)



The town had a lot of trees. + I was born in the town.

The town where I was born had a lot of trees.

= The town which I was born in had a lot of trees.

= The town in which I was born had a lot of trees.  

= The town which I was born had a lot of trees. (x)

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