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고등학교 영어 내신 서술형 유형 연습

by 황금폴샘 2019. 12. 28.

고등학교 영어 내신 서술형 유형 연습


고등학교 영어 내신을 경험해보지 못한 예비고 1 학생들에게 필요한 자료일 것입니다.

중학교 서술형과는 다르니까요. 미리 충분한 연습을 해야 당황하지 않겠죠. 

실제 고1~고2 고등학교 서술형 기출문제이고 원본 문제도 같이 올렸습니다.

연습과 숙고의 시간을 갖기 바라는 마음에 답지는 만들지 않았습니다.

풀어보시고 댓글에 써주세요. 맞았는지 틀렸는지 확인해 드리겠습니다.






고등학교 내신 서술형 유형 분석


1. 요약문 빈칸 완성형

2. 지문 속 빈칸완성 유형

3. 글의 주제 및 요지 완성형

4. 지문 속 틀린 어법 찾기 유형

5. 주요 문장 영작 (한글-->영어) / 단어 배열 유형

6. 문맥상 어색한 낱말 고쳐쓰기 유형




1. <조건>을 반드시 확인하라

2. “필요시 어형변화 가능”  : 어법상 변화가 있다는 말

3. 품사와 그 빈칸에 들어갈 형태를 확인하라




  1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

  This true story is about a government­owned shoe factory in Poland in the days when the country had a much more socialist economy. Every month, the Polish government gave the factory materials, and the manager was told to produce a fixed number of shoes. Because there was no profit motive involved, the manager’s basic goal was to meet the quota in the easiest possible way―by producing only small shoes. This production strategy created a problem for people who had big feet, and so the government revised the system. Now the factory received the same amount of materials, but instead of producing a fixed number of shoes, the factory was expected to produce a fixed number of tons of shoes. In other words, the factory’s output would now be weighed rather than counted. And again, the factory’s manager responded in the most efficient way, by producing nothing but huge shoes. In either situation, the government’s strategy did not provide any motivation to                                     . [3점]


improve the working environment for employees

② simplify the production process to reduce costs

③ increase the number of factories to make more profit

④ produce shoes in various sizes that met people’s needs

⑤ adopt new technology to compete against foreign shoes



1번 서술형 기출연습                  


  다음을 읽고 조건에 맞게 다음 요약문 빈칸을 완성하시오

   This true story is about a government­owned shoe factory in Poland in the days when the country had a much more socialist economy. Every month, the Polish government gave the factory materials, and the manager was told to produce a fixed number of shoes. Because there was no profit motive involved, the manager’s basic goal was to meet the quota in the easiest possible way―by producing only small shoes. This production strategy created a problem for people who had big feet, and so the government revised the system. Now the factory received the same amount of materials, but instead of producing a fixed number of shoes, the factory was expected to produce a fixed number of tons of shoes. In other words, the factory’s output would now be weighed rather than counted. And again, the factory’s manager responded in the most efficient way, by producing nothing but huge shoes. In either situation, the government’s strategy did not provide any motivation to produce shoes in various sizes that met people’s needs.

In the paragraph, there are two strategies. First one is to produce        (A)        and the other one is to produce        (B)          . However, any of them cannot meet the government’s intended goal to      (C)          because of the lack of motivation.



- 반드시 윗글에서 연속된 단어로 찾아 그대로 쓰시오.

(A)                                                                   (5단어) - 2점

(B)                                                               (7단어)- 2점

(C)                                                               (5단어)- 2점



원본 문제


2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?


Trying to produce everything yourself would mean you are using your time and resources to produce many things ①for which you are a high­cost provider. This would translate into lower production and income. For example, even though most doctors might be good at record keeping and arranging appointments, ②it is generally in their interest to hire someone to perform these services. The time doctors use to keep records is time  they could have spent seeing patients. Because the time ③spent with their patients is worth a lot, the opportunity cost of record keeping for doctors will be high. Thus, doctors will almost always find itadvantageous to hire someone else to keep and manage their records. Moreover, when the doctor specializes in the provision of physician services and ⑤hiring someone who has a comparative advantage in record keeping, costs will be lower and joint output larger than would otherwise be achievable.



서술형 기출


 2. 다음 밑줄 친 단어에서 문맥상 어색한 낱말 3개를 찾아 글의 흐름에 맞게 고치시오


Trying to produce everything yourself would mean you are using your time and resources to produce many things for which you are a high­cost provider. This would translate into 1)higher production and income. For example, even though most doctors might be good at record keeping and 2)arranging appointments, it is generally in their 3)interest to hire someone to perform these services. The time  doctors use to keep records is time  they could have spent seeing patients. Because the time spent with their patients is worth a lot, the            (A)           [2단어] of record keeping for doctors will be high. Thus, doctors will almost always find itadvantageous to 4)discharge someone else to keep and manage their records. Moreover, when the doctor specializes in the 5)provision of physician services and hires someone who has a 6)relative advantage in record keeping, costs will be lower and joint output larger than would otherwise be 7)infeasible accomplishment.




어색한 곳

고친 낱말












(A)에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?         



3. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

Inappropriate precision means giving information or figures to a greater degree of apparent accuracy than suits the context. For example, advertisers often use the results of surveys to prove what they say about their products. Sometimes they claim a level of precision not based reliably on evidence. So, if a company selling washing powder claims 95.45% of British adults agree that this powder washes whiter than any other, then this level of precision is clearly inappropriate. It is unlikely that all British adults were surveyed, so the results are based only on a sample and not the whole population. At best the company should be claiming that over 95% of those asked agreed that their powder washes whiter than any other. Even if the whole population had been surveyed, to have given the result to two decimal points would have been absurd. The effect is to propose a high degree of scientific precision in the research. Frequently, however, inappropriate precision is an attempt to mask the unscientific nature of a study.

*decimal point: 소수점

Advertisers often give us information with a(n) (A             ) precision, but it can be considered as an intention to conceal the lack of (B)            of their research.






















서술형 기출


 (a)~(e)에 들어갈 낱말을 보기단어를 활용하여 쓰시오 [각각 1점]

 (필요시 어형변화 가능 / 중복없음)


Inappropriate precision means giving information or figures to a greater degree of apparent accuracy than suits the (a)              . For example, advertisers often use the results of surveys to prove what they say about their products. Sometimes they claim a level of precision not based (b)           on evidence. So, if a company selling washing powder claims 95.45% of British adults agree that this powder washes whiter than any other, then this level of precision is clearly ©                  . It is unlikely that all British adults were surveyed, so the results are based only on a sample and not the whole population. At best the company should be claiming that over 95% of those asked agreed that their powder washes whiter than any other. Even if the whole population had been surveyed, to have given the result to two   (A)         [2단어]would have been (d)           . The effect is to propose a high degree of scientific precision in the research. Frequently, however, inappropriate precision is an attempt to mask the      (e)             nature of a study.



science / preposterous / relevant / credible

content / context / credulous / comparative



(A)에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?                                 [1점]

                                        (A)는 보기 단어에 없음




   4. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


   Nervousness about public speaking is one of the most common fears among people. It can serve as a real and significant barrier to effective communication and ultimately to academic and professional success. Debate is an ideal setting to develop coping strategies that allow people to manage their speech anxiety. Because debate both requires and allows for a lot of preparation, individuals develop confidence in their materials and passion for the ideas they support. Debate provides a focus on the content over style, so the attention is on the arguments, not on the person. Participants may forget to be nervous as they have so much else to think about. And repetition of experience helps them build confidence and learn to cope with their inevitable nervousness in such a way as to prevent it from interfering with their objectives.

①적당한 긴장감은 업무 효율성을 증대시킨다.

토론 시 지나치게 공격적인 태도는 지양해야 한다.

상대방을 설득하려면 구체적인 근거 제시가 필요하다.

토론은 공적인 말하기에 대한 불안감 극복에 도움이 된다.

효과적인 의사소통기술은 학업 성취에 긍정적 영향을 미친다.



서술형 기출                     

  4. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 it이 가리키는 것을 본문에서 찾아 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오.


   Nervousness about public speaking is one of the most common fears among people. It can serve as a real and significant barrier to effective communication and ultimately to academic and professional success. Debate is an ideal setting to develop coping strategies that allow people to manage their speech anxiety. Because debate both requires and allows for a lot of preparation, individuals develop confidence in their materials and passion for the ideas they support. Debate provides a focus on the content over style, so the attention is on the arguments, not on the person. Participants may forget to be nervous as they have so much else to think about. And repetition of experience helps them build confidence and learn to cope with their inevitable nervousness in such a way as to prevent it from interfering with their objectives.



- 반드시 윗글에서 연속된 단어로 찾아 그대로 쓰시오.






서술형 전체 문제 

고등학교 내신 서술형 분석.hwp


고등학교 영어내신 서술형 분석.pdf




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